Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nerdy Am I

So here I am, sitting before my computer with a freshly made impulse blog. The probability of this getting any readers is next to none. However, sometimes the nerdiness just builds up inside of me, such a powerful sense of nerdom that cannot be expressed in the 420 characters that Facebook allows. What is the solution? A blog. I can nerd away all I want and still feel like it's out there in the world without having to bore my dear FB friends with book euphoria ramblings and other such nerdy rants.
I think introductions need to be made.

Hello. I am Kat.

(<--- Not THAT kind! )

I'm 18 years old and I love books and European history.

My favorite sea creature is the sting ray.

My favorite vegetable is corn.

I secretly enjoyed taking the ACT.

I hate long division.

That's all I think you need to know about me right now. More nerdiness to come (hopefully).